Support FSF.

In the heart of every child lies a dream, a spark of potential that yearns for the opportunity to ignite. The French Scholarship Foundation (FSF) stands as a beacon of hope, a promise to those dreams that they will not be left in the shadows. Today, we invite you to be part of a transformative journey – to turn aspirations into achievements and possibilities into realities.

Why Donate to FSF?

FSF is more than just a charity; it’s a movement dedicated to empowering the leaders of tomorrow. Your donation has the power to:

Unlock Potential: Every euro you donate goes directly towards scholarships for deserving students.
Foster Education: Help us provide access to quality education and create a world where knowledge knows no boundaries.
Drive Innovation: Support the thinkers, creators, and innovators who will shape our future.

Your Impact

When you donate to FSF, you’re not just giving money; you’re giving the gift of opportunity. Your contribution makes a difference.

Join Our Community

By donating to FSF, you join a community of visionaries, dreamers, and change-makers. You become part of a story that celebrates success and nurtures the seeds of potential planted in every young mind.

How to Donate

Donating is simple. Click the button below and choose the amount that resonates with your heart.

Every contribution, no matter the size, creates ripples of change that extend far beyond what we can see. 

Together, We Can Build a Brighter Future

our generosity is more than a donation; it’s a legacy that will echo through the halls of education and beyond. With FSF, you’re not just supporting a charity; you’re investing in a future where every dream has the chance to soar.

Thank you for believing in possibilities, for fueling futures, and for being the change.


Parents’ associations are vital links between FSF and the schools it helps.

Families often contact us via their parents’ associations, which enables us to help them more efficiently.

Please contact CFBL Parents or APLIL for more information.

APLIL, Association des Parents d'Eleves du Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill

APC, Association des Parents du Collège Français Bilingue de Londres

APLIL is the Parents’ Association of Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill. It plays a very active role in the LIL Community. Families participate positively and actively in the life of the school outside the classroom by chaperoning local field trips, museum visits, volunteering, learning trips, organising bake sales or presentations (career day, specific areas of expertise) and much more.

APC is the parents’ association of Collège Français Bilingue de Londres. Since its creation, CFBL Parents has fostered dialogue and communication between the school and the parents, while working closely with CFBL’s management, local authorities and London associations.
Volunteers for this association help our children learn by organising outstanding educational projects, and to help them grow by showing them London’s rich multicultural heritage.

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